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Patients' page

Patients' page: under development!

We'd like to dedicate this page to patients themselves, and to the things that people told us helped them with their recovery. Some people told us about a renewed sense of purpose or creativity; some tell us about a different sense of spirituality (not just in the traditional sense), and others feel a strong urge to "give something back". 

We know from speaking with people that  different things can help eg writing, poetry, reading inspirational books, drawing, painting, film-making, etc. Others resume previous hobbies such as photography, or take up new activities such as gardening, volunteering, etc. 

We'd like to help make patients and their families aware of anything and everything that helps! Please do get in touch if you'd like to share your thoughts and experiences, or if you'd like to share some of the materials that helped you on this website. We'd love to hear from you. 





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Web Link: BBC iPlayer

Access BBC programmes via the BBC iPlayer service

Web Link: Carers' Assessment (NHS Choices)

When someone ends up Intensive Care, close family and friends are also affected. They play a very important part in the patients' recovery after they go home.Given the importance of their involvement, the government has ensured that they have certain rights that, by law, must be met. Close family or close friends are often called "carers" by health and social care services, and most have a legal right to an assessment of their own needs. That includes things like...

Web Link: Facebook

Founded in 2004, Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.

Image: Footpaths to recovery.jpg

Footpaths to recovery Look at the path. It’s hard, it’s frightening. Look at the landscape. It’s beautiful. Start walking your way back to health.

Web Link: Google

Google is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products including it's famous web search engine.

Web Link: Healthtalkonline - families' experiences of Intensive Care

This link will take you to the Healthtalk.org website. You can hear about other family members' and close friends' experiences of having a loved one in Intensive Care. There are short videos, voice recordings and written interviews, which we hope you find useful.

Web Link: Healthy eating and getting/keeping active

This is a really useful website from Healthier Scotland. It gives great, easily understandable information and advice on healthy eating (including menus) and getting and staying active (with suggested activities in your local area).

Web Link: Hotmail

Hotmail offers web-based e-mail services.

Image: Its your road.jpg

It's your road

Web Link: Jazz, Blues

Jazz radio online