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Moving on

Recovery can sometimes take quite some time, although everyone is different. It is fair to say that we probably know the least about longer term recovery. This is largely because the current research recommendations are to follow patients up for "at least 6 months" after Intensive Care. Also, much of the research that has been done has tended to use questionnaires which, although very useful, may not tell us enough about what recovery is like for patients in their everyday lives.

Having spoken to a number of patients at one year after hospital discharge, however, it seems that while some may have lingering physical and psychological issues after being in Intensive Care, many have learned to live with them. The main focus at this time would appear to be keeping well, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and getting out and about. For some, the "anniversary" of their time in Intensive Care can prompt them to reflect on their emotional journey. In this section, we've provided some links to general information and advice. We hope you find it useful.


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Web Link: Centre for Mental Health Resources

A guide to national mental health support and resources.

Web Link: Chartered Institute of Physiotherapists

A guide to finding a physiotherapist in the UK which includes a directory of services and conditions that they treat.

Web Link: Citizens Advice UK

Citizens Advice Service for the UK

Web Link: Clearing your lungs

A guide to clearing your lungs during recovery from COVID-19.

External Video: Common issues after getting home

Video length: 22:30 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later) In this video, Anne talks about her role as a follow up nurse at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. She sees patients after they've been discharged from hospital and talks about the common issues patients and families face during this time.

Web Link: Conserving your energy after an ICU stay

A guide to conserving energy during your recovery from your COVID-19 infection.

Web Link: Contact your Local Council

A contact page that will allow you to search and contact your local authorities.

Web Link: Couch to 5K

This link will take you to the Couch to 5K running plan on the NHS Choices website. It's a free "app" that you can download onto your smartphone, and it's designed to get you off the couch and running in just 9 weeks. It's designed for all ages and abilities-take a look and see what you think!

Web Link: Critical Care Recovery Book Club

Welcome to the Critcal Care Recovery Book Club! All of the books within this blog have been recommended by either individuals who have been in your position or by those that have benefitted from reading or listening these particular books. We hope that you can benefit from reading/listening to them too. And please feel free to comment your own thoughts below each post if you have read/listened to the book. If you would like to review a book for the book club please email...

Web Link: Disability Snowsport UK

This link will take you to the Disability Snowsport UK Homepage, which has links to local groups. Disability Snowsport UK is a people-centred organisation with a unique sense of purpose: that anyone regardless of their disability can take part in and enjoy the thrill of snowsports. They are a membership organisation, and welcome anyone of any levels of skiing and fitness. They cater for complete novices to snowsports all the way to elite athletes.