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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face,what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home.We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful.


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Web Link: Energy: how to conserve it

When you are ill or recovering from an illness, you are likely to have less energy and feel tired.This link will take you to expert guidance from the Royal College of Occupational Therapists, and their top tips for people recovering after COVID-19. The guide wil help you find ways to conserve your energy as you go about your day, so that you have more energy to do the things you want. They offer simple, really sensible advice on things like washing and dressing, cooking, shopping, laundry...

Article: Equipment

Some equipment is considered essential for hospital discharge, which means that it MUST be in place before you go home.Other "non essential" items of equipment or home adaptations might be organised before you leave hospital, but may take some time to arrive. This might include things like shower seats, bath aids or grab rails.

Web Link: Equipment (for private purchase)

This link will take you to the Argos website.They have a section on mobility aids and aids for everyday living e.g. wheelchairs and walking aids, shower seats, grab rails, tables and trolleys, raised toilet seats, etc.

Web Link: Exercises for balance

This link will take you to an NHS website, with gentle exercises that you can do at home to help improve your balance. There are some helpful pictures and easy to follow instructions, that will show you what to do.

Document: Exercises for balance (NHS Choices)

This is a document from NHS Choices. It gives advice on some simple exercises to help with balance.You might want to speak to your GP or Physiotherapist before trying them.

Document: Exercises for buiding strength

This is a booklet from NHS Choices. It gives examples of exercises to help build strength.You might want to speak to your doctor before trying them.

Document: Exercises for flexibility (NHS Choices)

This is a document from NHS Choices.It gives advice on simple exercises to improve flexibility.You might want to speak to your GP or Physiotherapist before trying them.

Web Link: Exercises for muscles and joints

Many patients suffer from muscle wasting, muscle weakness or stiff and painful joints after Intensive Care.This link will take you to the NHS Inform website and their pages on muscle and joint issues, which you might find helpful. You can print off their advice and there is also an "app" that you can download onto your phone.

Web Link: Exercises to keep you mobile

People who spend time in Intensive Care often experience tiredness (fatigue), muscle wasting and joint stiffness. This is particularly so for patients who have spent longer in ICU. This link will take you to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals' excellent online resource on recovery after COVID-19. This section includes a short video from a physiotherapist, and some short videos of simple exercises that you can do in bed, while sitting in a chair, and standing. You can access the full resource...

Document: Exercises while sitting

This is a document from NHS Choices.It gives advice on simple exercises you can do while sitting in a chair.You might want to speak to a doctor or physiotherapist before trying them.