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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face,what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home.We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful.


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External Video: Common issues after getting home

Video length: 22:30 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later) In this video, Anne talks about her role as a follow up nurse at Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. She sees patients after they've been discharged from hospital and talks about the common issues patients and families face during this time.

Web Link: Common psychological issues: self-help guides

This link will take you to NHS Tyne and Wear's stock of free self-help leaflets, which you can download or print off. Not all of them may be relevant, but they have leaflets on anxiety, bereavement, depression and low mood, health anxiety, panic attacks, post traumatic stress, sleeeping problems and stress.

Article: Community pharmacy teams

Article length: 2 minutes (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) Community pharmacists are medicine experts in the community. The teams are made up of a pharmacist, pharmacy technicians, dispensers and counter assistants. They are often open long hours and you don't usually need to make an appointment for most services. What do community pharmacy teams do? You may already attend your local community pharmacy to collect...

Web Link: Coronavirus patients thank NHS staff

This link will take you to a very short piece from ITV News, where people who survived COVID-19 thank the ICU and hospital staff who looked after them.

Web Link: Coronavirus: guidance for households (British Sign Language)

It's very, very important that you look after yourself during these worrying times.If you live with, or have been in close contact with the person admitted to Intensive Care with COVID-19, you'll need to follow current guidance on self-isolation and social distancing, etc. This link with take you to a YouTube video on guidance for households with (potential) coronavirus, in British Sign Language. It was produced by Public Health Wales. *Please remember that the guidance will...

Web Link: COVID aftercare: a short film on patients' experiences

This link will take you to a short video (an anmimation, lasting around 5 minutes) about some recent research on the aftercare of people who have been in Intensive Care due to COVID. The researchers interviewed a number of patients about their time in ICU, and the care they received after hospital discharge. Common problems included a lack of information about what to expect during recovery, and a lack of joined-up care after getting home. The research was done by a team of researchers at...

Web Link: COVID-19 Return to Work guide (from Occupational Health groups)

This link will take you to the Society of Occupational Medicine's webpages on returning to work. You can download their booklet, which outlines the medical clearance for return to work, the role of managers in supporting you back to work,adjustments to work duties and access to Occupational Health services in your worklplace.

Web Link: Deep breathing & clearing your lungs

This link will take you to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals' excellent online resource on recovery after COVID-19. This section includes short videos from healthcare professionals on deep breathing exercise and other techniques that will help you to clear your lungs. You can visit the full resource here

Web Link: Driving

Even if you didn't previously have a medical condition or disability that affected your ability to drive, a number of common Intensive Care related issues may affect your confidence or ability to drive. These include ongoing weakness in the arms and legs, poor concentration or visual impairments.You may have new medications which might affect your ability to drive.Speak to your GP or check with the DVLA if you're not sure whether you should be driving. This link will take you to...

Web Link: Elizabeth's experience of coronavirus

This link will take you to the BBC News page, where Elizabeth (a 49 year old woman) shares her experiences of being admitted to hospital with coronavirus.