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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face,what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home.We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful.


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Article: Breathlessness

Article length: 2 minutes (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) Is it common to feel breathless after Intensive Care? Breathlessness is common after Intensive Care. It is particularly common after COVID-19. Why do I feel breathless? COVID-19 is a respiratory virus, which means that it affects your breathing.Spending time on a ventilator in Intensive Care may also have caused weakness in your muscles, including those that help...

Web Link: Breathlessness & pulmonary rehabilitation

Breathlessness is common after having been in Intensive Care with COVID-19. This link will take you to the British Lung Foundation's page on pulmonary rehabilitation: a programme of exercise and education for people with respiratory or breathing issues. Your GP, practice nurse or respiratory team can refer you for pulmonary rehabilitation. Ask them if it's right for you and what’s available in your area. If pulmonary rehabilitation isn't right for you, the website provides...

Web Link: Breathlessness: Asthma UK & British Lung Foundation COVID Hub

Breathlessness seems to be common after being in Intensive Care with COVID-19. We're not yet sure whether this is an effect of the virus itself, an effect of having been so ill, or a side effect of having been on a ventilator This link will take you to the COVID-19 Hub of the Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, with all of the latest information on coping with breathlessness. You can speak with one of their respiratory specialists by phone or whatsapp. You can also sign up to...

External Video: Breathlessness: how "pacing" can help

This short clip will explain how a technique known as "pacing" may help feelings of breathlessness. You might also find the booklets on bodily positions to help breathlessness, breathing control and how to conserve your energy helpful in dealing with breathlessness. Video length: 02:23 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later)

Web Link: Breathlessness: positions that help

This link will take you to Lancashire Teaching Hospitals' excellent online resource on recovery after COVID-19. This section includes short videos from healthcare professionals on breathing control, and positions that may help with breathlessness. You can access the full resource here

Web Link: Breathlessness: what it is and how to manage it

This link will take you to the British Lung Foundation website. There's some really useful information on how to manage breathlessness, including treatment, breathing exercises, staying active, etc. You can enter your postcode into their website to find support in your local area. We hope you find it helpful.

Web Link: British Lung Foundation: find help in your local area

This link will take you to the British Lung Foundation, and to their UK-wide network of support. Simply type in your postcode to find activity and singing classes in your local area, and breathe easy and pulmonary fibrosis groups near you.

Web Link: Carers' Assessment (NHS Choices)

When someone ends up Intensive Care, close family and friends are also affected. They play a very important part in the patients' recovery after they go home.Given the importance of their involvement, the government has ensured that they have certain rights that, by law, must be met. Close family or close friends are often called "carers" by health and social care services, and most have a legal right to an assessment of their own needs. That includes things like...

Web Link: Clear your head (website)

This link will take you to the Clear Your Head website, which was developed by the Scottish Government in response to COVID-19. On it, you'll find a wealth of useful hints and tips on keeping active (which is great for your mental health and well-being), supporting eachother, looking after yourself, feeling calmer, and creating routine. There are also some excellent links to Scottish mental health organisations, many of which provide free resources, regardless of where you live in the...

Article: Cognitive impairment: what is it?

Article length: 1 minute (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) What is cognitive impairment? Cognitive impairment is when a person has trouble remembering things, learning new things, concentrating, solving problems or making decisions that affect their everyday life. This might include things like having difficulty planning or carrying out everyday tasks such as following a recipe, doing your shopping, managing money or driving....