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Getting home

Getting home is a huge step on the road to recovery. While it is often an enormous relief to be back home, some may find the first few weeks a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in terms of readjusting to everyday life. In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on the common physical and psychological issues you might face,what you can do to help the recovery process along, and the types of help that might be available to you and your family after you get home.We've also included a few short pieces on other people's experience, which we hope you will find helpful.


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Article: Your GP

Your GP will receive a letter from the Doctors in the Intensive Care Unit, and from the Doctors on the general ward you went to afterwards. In it, your GP will be told about what happened to you. You should be aware that these letters may take some time to reach your GP,sometimes after your first appointment with him or her, so he or she may not always know that you've been so ill or spent time in Intensive Care. Research from colleagues elsewhere in the UK suggests that GPs are...