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The hospital wards

The COVID-19 outbreak has affected UK hospitals in many different ways.Some Units have been quieter, and have been able to keep their patients in Intensive Care as long as they normally would. Others will have been exceptionally busy, and may have had no option but to transfer their most recovered patients to the hospital wards a little more quickly than normal. The wards will also vary greatly in terms of how much rehabilitation and follow-up they are able to offer. 

In this section, we've provided some general information and advice on common physical and psychological issues issues during the ward stage of recovery, the types of staff involved in your care (who they are and what they do) and what to expect in terms of getting you home. We've also included sections on other people's experiences and frequently asked questions. We hope you find it helpful.


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Document: Tiredness (fatigue)-how to save your energy

This booklet outlines techniques that you can use to make the most of the energy you have without making yourself exhausted. These techniques can be used to manage different physical symptoms including breathlessness, fatigue and pain.

Article: Visiting on the wards

You may well find that the visiting hours on the wards are very different, as are the rules about how many visitors a patient can have at any one time, or if children are allowed to visit. Ask the staff if you're not sure. Please don't visit if you're feeling in any way unwell Your family member may be at increased risk of picking up any bugs you may have as they are still recovering from a serious illness. No matter how much you want to see them, and them you,...

Article: Visiting the Intensive Care Unit

Would you like to visit the Intensive Care Unit? Some people find it helpful to visit the Intensive Care Unit. It can sometimes help people to make sense of their time in Intensive Care, including understanding how ill they were, what happened while they were there, having the chance to speak with some of the staff who looked after them and in making sense of the strange dreams they had. Some people prefer not to, and it is completely up to you whether you would like to do...

Web Link: Voice problems (video)

Some patients may develop changes in their voice after Intensive Care, and patients who spend longer on a ventilator (breathing machine or life support machine) may be at increased risk of developing these problems. This link will take you to a 7 minute video from an NHS Speech and Language Therapist. Some of the language used is a bit technical, but there are short animations that will help you understand the normal process of speaking, how these can be affected, and some of the symptoms...

Web Link: Voice problems: information & advice from the British Voice Association

Some patients may develop changes in their voice after Intensive Care, and patients who spend longer on a ventilator (breathing machine or life support machine) may be at increased risk of developing these problems. This link will take you to the website of the British Voice Association. There are a number of free information leaflets that you can download, to help you look after your voice. There is also a link, where you can find a voice clinic in your local area.

Web Link: Wales: visiting hospitals during COVID-19

This link will take you to the Welsh Government's current guidance on visiting hospitals during COVID-19. Although the guidance provided is written for healthcare professionals, you should get a clear idea of what you should do, if you plan to visit a family member in hospital. Included is guidance on who can visit, handwashing and social distancing. **Please check with your local hospital, as guidance may change as the pandemic evolves.**

Article: Weight loss

Article length: 6 minutes (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) Patients can lose a lot of weight during their time in Intensive Care (sometimes up to 20% of their weight on admission) and often have issues with eating after transfer to the general wards. This can happen for many reasons; some are physical, some psychological and others are to do with hospital routine (eg being presented with food at very different times to when...

Web Link: When someone dies: bereavement support for children

We're very sorry for your loss. This link will take you to the website of childbereavement uk. They are a UK-wide organisation who can help support families with children and young adults, when there is a death in the family. They provide a free confidential Helpline, staffed by trained professionals, face-to-face support (in some areas), and helpful leaflets that you can download or print off. Please see their website to find out more.

Article: Why do I feel so weak?

Article length: 2 minutes (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) Why do I feel so tired and weak? Patients can lose up to 2% of their muscle for each day that they spend in Intensive Care, which can take some time to recover. It may also be that your appetite is not quite back to normal, that you are having problems sleeping or are feeling a little low. All of these things can add to your sense of feeling weak. Even though some...