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Help in the community

You may find, after you get home, that you need more help with everyday life than you thought you would. We hear from talking to other people that it can be hard to accept that you need a little help and that you may not know where to look or that you're not sure what you might be entitled to. Please be reassured that there is an enormous amount of help available to you in the community, much of it free of charge.In this section, we've provided links to some of the organisations that can offer help with things like personal care, equipment for your home and getting out and about.


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Web Link: Alcohol and recovery: where to get help

Alcohol is a major health issue in the UK.Research has shown that around a quarter of admissions to Intensive Care are alcohol related.If you're worried about how much you or someone you care about is drinking,there is plenty of help available. This link will take you to the Alcoholics Anonymous website.They hold groups all over the UK and have a number of useful resources on their website, including other peoples' stories and easy to read literature that you can download for free.

Web Link: Attendance Allowance

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people aged 65 or over who need help with personal care (washing,dressing or eating, for example).Some patients need this type of help in the first few weeks and months after they get home.This link will take you to the NHS Choices web page, which will tell you more about what this allowance is, who is eligible and how to claim it.

Web Link: Borrowing a wheelchair

Although you may not have been issued with a wheelchair when you leave hospital, some people continue to have problems with walking after they get home.It might be helpful to borrow a wheelchair "just to get out of the house", if you're not sure how far you can walk, you tire easily or have lost your confidence a little. This link will take you to the webpage of the British Red Cross, who may be able to lend you mobility equipment.If you type in your postcode, they can...

Article: Community pharmacy teams

Article length: 2 minutes (Read now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to read later) Community pharmacists are medicine experts in the community. The teams are made up of a pharmacist, pharmacy technicians, dispensers and counter assistants. They are often open long hours and you don't usually need to make an appointment for most services. What do community pharmacy teams do? You may already attend your local community pharmacy to collect...

Web Link: COVID-19 Return to Work guide (from Occupational Health groups)

This link will take you to the Society of Occupational Medicine's webpages on returning to work. You can download their booklet, which outlines the medical clearance for return to work, the role of managers in supporting you back to work,adjustments to work duties and access to Occupational Health services in your worklplace.

Article: Equipment

Some equipment is considered essential for hospital discharge, which means that it MUST be in place before you go home.Other "non essential" items of equipment or home adaptations might be organised before you leave hospital, but may take some time to arrive. This might include things like shower seats, bath aids or grab rails.

Web Link: ICU Support Groups

Some people find it really helpful to talk with others who have been through similar experiences to their own. This is the weblink to ICUsteps website with details of support groups for patient and families across the UK. It will tell you more about the groups, who they are, what they do and when the meetings are held. Several groups across the country (eg Chester, Edinburgh & Brighton) are currently offering online or "virtual" support group meetings which you can join...

Web Link: Living Life to the Full website

This link will take you to the Living Life to the Full website, and their pages on keeping well during COVID-19. Resources include advice to deal with Anger and irritability Being more assertive Dealing with negative thinking Improving Sleep Tips on Staying Happy Tackling low mood and depression Problem Solving Understanding and coping with panic Understanding and overcoming worry

Web Link: Loneliness: NHs and UK Government website

Many people have experienced loneliness during the pandemic. Loneliness can be particularly tough when recovering after a hospital stay due to COVID, especially while we might not be able to connect with family and friends, and access social support in the way that we normally would. This link will take you to the UK Government and NHS website, "Let's Talk Loneliness". On it, you'll find advice and tips on dealing with loneliness during the pandemic, organisations who can...

Web Link: Money matters: advice with money worries

This weblink will take you to the Money Matters website.They offer a wealth of advice on a wide range of issues related to benefits, allowances and sources of financial support. They also provide some really useful tools on managing your money in different situations e.g. remorgaging or early retirement.