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Managing your own recovery

From listening to what other people have told us, it can be difficult to work out what to do for the best, in terms of helping the recovery process along after you get home. Many patients are surprised and frustrated by how long the recovery process can sometimes take.Some unfairly blame themselves for "not doing enough" or "not trying hard enough" while others tell us that "trying to do too much" can knock them back and sap their confidence.It's important to strike a balance.

In this section, we've included some information and advice on some simple things you can do to help you manage tiredness (fatigue), build your strength, deal with breathlessness, and look after your emotional wellbeing. For some issues e.g. breathlessness, we've provided links to several different resources. This is because each of these resources offer something slightly different, and what works for one person may not be right for another. 



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Web Link: Fitness resources: NHS

This link will take you to a great,free NHS resource on physical exercise. There are helpful links to everything from gentle exercises that you can do in your home to outdoor gyms. Many of the resources they suggest are free of charge.

Web Link: Going back to work

This link will take you to the website of Healthy Working Lives. This page will give you information and advice on getting back to work after an illness or injury.

External Video: How do I increase the amount of activity I'm doing

Video length: 05:26 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later) This short clip will explain how you can start building up your activity and exercises levels. For some people returning to normal activities may take a few weeks while others it can take months and even over a year. The important thing is to listen to your body and go at the right pace for you. This clip should help you understand how to do this. If you're struggling...

Web Link: Managing appointments

Some people find that they have multiple healthcare appointments after getting home, for example, with GPs, out-patient apoointments or physiotherapy. Although this leaflet is from a pain-related website, there are some useful tips on how to get the best out of your appointments.

External Video: Managing your physical symptoms using pacing

Video length: 02:16 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later) This short clip will explain what 'pacing' is and how it can be used to manage some of your physical symptoms including breathlessness, fatigue and pain.

Web Link: Medications explained

Finding a website that explains what provides easily understandable information about your medications is harder than it looks.This link will take you to the Boots MD website, which provides fairly easily understandable information about many common medicines; what they're for and what to look out for in terms of side-effects.

Web Link: Mental health & coronavirus

This link will take you to the coronavirus page of MIND, the mental health charity. Here, you'll find information, advice and support on a wide range of issues, including your wellbeing, work, your rights to social care, supporting children and teenagers during the outbreak, anxiety and panic attacks, loneliness, staying active, etc.

Web Link: Mindfulness: the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre

This link will take you to the University of Oxford's Mindfulness Centre. They describe mindfulness as a therapeutic technique that can help you manage and prevent feelings of depression, stress, anxiety, or discontent. They offer free introductory online courses that are also available as podcasts.We hope you find helpful.

Web Link: Motability scheme

This link will take you to the website of the Motability Scheme.Motability is a national charity that raises money and provides financial help to people receiving mobility allowance who might otherwise struggle with their transport needs, whether it is a car, scooter or powered wheelchair.The website gives useful information and advice on who is eligible and what kind of help you might be able to get.

External Video: Pacing for Pain

Video length: 04:30 (Watch now or tap the button above to add this resource to your personal library to watch later) This short clip will explain how pacing your activities may help to manage any pain that you are experiencing.